LA FAMIGLIA Il padre Karol Wojtyla, figlio del maestro sarto Maciej e di Anna, nato il 18 luglio 1879 a Lipnik presso la citt? di Bielsko Biala. Sarto, dal 1900 sottufficiale nell'esercito austriaco, poi tenente in quello polacco, a riposo dal 1927. ... (Estate) Col padre si trasferisce a Cracovia (Via Tyniecka 10). (Anno accademico 1938-39) Mentre frequenta i corsi universitari, s'iscrive allo ?Studio 38?, circolo teatrale fondato da Tadeusz Kudli?ski. ...
Naszą uwagę przykuła nazwa Standard Hotel. W budynku rodem z lat 50-tych siedział owinięty w koc portier rodem ze starych filmów przygodowych dla młodzieży (stare ?W pustyni iw puszczy?) . Spojrzał na nas z za okularów, uśmiechnął się i ...
"By completing this transaction, MCI has a possibility to consolidate the on-line tourism market in Central Europe," says Maciej Kowalczyk, MCI's Investment Manager responsible for the project. "Within 2-3 years, we would like to build .... When guests walk into Aroma Spa at Esencia resort, a member of Small Luxury Hotels, it is like going back to ancient Mayan times where the essence of fresh flowers, herbs and fruits are everywhere. To preserve its natural environment, ...